Helldivers 2 just got a big new order and whether you’re still recovering from crashing the last one or just discovered that you can access the game through Steam for the first time in a long time, you might want to pay attention no only to his latest task, but what it could lead to.
After the last MO brought the newly upgraded Democracy Space Station back into play to help combat the Illuminate, you’re now back on the front lines of the bugs. Not that you weren’t necessarily there on the last order, if you’re a hardcore diver.
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At first glance, this latest modus operandi doesn’t seem like anything special. Extract 22 million common samples from Erata Prime, 15 million rare samples from Gacrux, and ensure that Super Earth has control of Fenrir III at the end of the order in about four days.
What helps this is a little more interesting. You’ll help develop technology to help divers deal with “The Gloom” – that’s the strange cloud of spores that long filled a group of sectors controlled by Terminid. Turns out it could be useful for more than just making your boat need fog lights.
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“Recent experimentation with Terminids using harvested Gloom spores indicates that Gloom-induced mutations can dramatically increase the yield of Element 710,” the full Arrowhead report reads, adding that tests have suggested that yield can increase up to ten times the norm.
“The implications of this result are monumental,” he continues, “The Gloom may represent a huge, untapped source of new energy. Its exploitation could enable FTL travel beyond military and colony settlement operations, expanding into the trade and research, as well as further military and colony settlement operations.
So maybe it will help add some new elements to what Super Earth has at its disposal, beyond the DSS. Or maybe it will do exactly what many players think: go totally wrong and have consequences like creating a bunch of even tougher bugs, possibly escaped Gloom mutation test subjects or something.
We’ll have to wait and see, but this is Helldivers 2; It will probably be both.