There is a rumor that the Starfield Direct Showcase will soon be here

There is a rumor that the Starfield Direct Showcase will soon be here

According to numerous unconfirmed reports from industry insiders, Microsoft and Bethesda may soon reveal a Starfield Direct Showcase.

The upcoming science fiction FPS RPG Starfield may receive a Developer Direct livestream announcement from Microsoft and Bethesda. These rumors have not been officially confirmed, but they originate from prominent members of the gaming media who have insider information.

Starfield was formally unveiled by Bethesda at E3 2018, despite the fact that the publisher had already been working on the basic idea and had registered the name as a trademark in 2013. Players assume the role of a space explorer from the Constellation organization in this game, which is set in the year 2330. Playable in first or third-person, Todd Howard described Starfield as "Skyrim in space," and the game features both ground and space combat. Additionally, players can modify their ships, start colonies, and explore more than 1000 planets. Starfield will be made available by Bethesda sometime in the first half of this year, though no specific date has been set.

However, if several insider sources are to be believed, more Starfield information could be arriving soon. I hear the announcement for the Starfield showcase is imminent, tweeted Editor in Chief of Video Games Chronicle Andy Robinson on Friday afternoon to start the discussion. He tweeted back a short while later with the words "As in, soon." Later, on their most recent Xbox Two podcast, YouTuber Rand Al Thor 19 and Windows Central Editor Jez Corden confirmed his statement.

Andy Robinson made no further comments regarding the conceivably upcoming announcement between Microsoft and Bethesda. However, starting at 2 hours and 24 minutes into their most recent podcast episode, Rand and Corden did speak a little more. When Rand learned about the upcoming Starfield showcase, which he thinks Microsoft and Bethesda will announce next week, the two claim they had a private discussion about it yesterday. Similar rumors, according to Cordon, were heard, but they were kept quiet until Cordon received confirmation from his sources.

Rand also asserts that since before The Game Awards, rumors have circulated that Bethesda would host a Starfield showcase in March or April 2023. Cordon added that a lot of different people are expressing the same ideas, indicating that he, Rand, and Robinson do not likely obtain their information from the same set of sources. These rumors have a lot more credibility than they would otherwise because several sources seem to have been reporting the same information consistently for such a long time.

Rand also claims that speculation about Bethesda hosting a Starfield showcase in March or April 2023 has been going around since before The Game Awards. Cordon added that a lot of different people are expressing the same ideas, indicating that he, Rand, and Robinson do not likely obtain their information from the same set of sources. Because several sources appear to have been consistently reporting the same information for such a long time, these rumors appear to have much more validity than they otherwise would.

Starfield is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S in 2023.

Source: Daniel DeAngelo

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