“I am worried about everyone’s shape, including mine.”
“I am quite sure that five [four] The victories will classify us, and that is practically everything that interests us at this time. I think that with the quality of that wardrobe, only someone is needed to turn on the fire and start them.
“We need to make sure we are putting the points on the ís and crossing the ‘T’. I am sure there is enough quality in that costumes to get three of three at this time. That’s where we are at this time.”
Klusener also trusted that if DSG manages to win three of three and take impulse at the end of the tournament, he could reach the end.
“I think we can move on, it will be difficult to stop if we manage to qualify,” he said. “I have been practicing franchise cryket for many years and I know that the teams that charge impulse towards the end are those that are generally difficult to stop. Yes, we have a little work to do, but that is sport, and that is what is what Bring these great Criquet players every day.
This season, DSG has largely used Kock Quinton in 3 or 4 position, where he scored only half a century in three games. On Thursday, Kock was on top of the order again and was the top scorer with a 43 of 30 balls.
“This is equilibrium. Many teams also have the left arm turn in the middle,” Klusener said, explaining the decision to use Kock in the average order. “That was something we analyzed, and if you look at our team, we have Jon-Jon [Smuts] And … who else can open the batting? [Bryce] Parsons can open the batting. I thought it was an opportunity to give Parsons a chance from the beginning.
“As I said before, we thought about using Quinton in the middle as a combination of left and right. That was our thinking from the beginning.”
In a last impulse for DSG, they will have the Australian SUV Marcus Stainis for the last stages of the season after the departure of Melbourne Stars from the BBL.
“We will have to review that balance,” Klusener said. “I know that Stoinis will slightly change the balance and could give someone like Prenelan a chance [Subrayen] To do a play. We will have to look that. We will also have to see how Stoinis behaves tomorrow.
“It’s exciting for us. We can take a look and maybe try to play with someone who can attack those left -handed ones too. We will have to do.”