Pokémon-themed live-action drama will premiere in Japan in October.
The show's title roughly translates to Fill Your Pockets With Adventure, according to the TV Tokyo website (via Serebii and Nintendo Life), and will begin airing on TV Tokyo every Thursday beginning October 19.
Madoka Agaki, a university graduate from a small port town, decides to quit her job at a seafood manufacturer and relocate to Tokyo to work at ADventure, a small advertising agency.
While Madoka used to dream of moving to Tokyo, she soon discovers that daily life there isn't what she had imagined. She then begins to worry when she accepts a presentation that could determine the future of her company.
The Game Boy Pocket and a copy of Pokémon Red that Madoka used to own are then sent to her by her mother. When she starts playing the game, she realizes that it contains a valuable lesson for life.
The program is marketed as the first "Pokémon human drama" in history, in which the lead character develops as a result of playing Pokémon.
🎊情報解禁🎊10月19日スタート毎週木曜深夜24時30分~放送ゲーム『#ポケモン』原案初のオリジナルドラマ‼️「#ポケットに冒険をつめこんで」放送決定🎉\主演はポケモン好きの #西野七瀬/ポケモンヒューマンドラマ— 西野七瀬主演🧢ドラマ「ポケつめ」【テレビ東京公式】 (@poketsume) August 30, 2023
Madoka will be played by Nanase Nishino, a former member of the Japanese idol group Nogizaka46 who went on to become an actress, model, and TV host. Nishino's performance in the crime drama Last of the Wolves earned her a Japan Academy Film Prize in 2022 for Newcomer of the Year, the country's version of the Oscars.
Nishino said in a statement, "I was surprised to receive this offer just days after I'd told a friend that I'd like to work on something related to Pokémon someday. Being a member of the Pokémon generation who has played the majority of the games from the first to the most recent, I'm overjoyed. "You will be able to watch Madoka and her friends develop throughout their adventures, as the game's theme is adventure, as the title suggests," she continued.
You'll like this show if you've played Pokémon because it's full of little details that will make you feel nostalgic. These tidbits that are dotted around should be of interest to you.